______tRaIn HaRd..FiGhT EaSy..------

Who I Am__________

Name: Low Jun Jie Jacky
Bdae: 2nd June 1986
Status: Single
Nicks: bRuCmErIt , NiNjA TuRtLe, Triple H
Skool: NDU , TPJC , DHS , MSHS(Pri).
Location: SoMeWhErE In ThE EaSt..
Contact: elite_commando_spikes@hotmail.com

What I Adore________

Food: ChIcKeN RiCe
Drinks: watermelon juice
People: Her

What I Hate_________

People: smokers..juz ppl whom i dun like
Things: cigarettes..drugs..
Places: anywhere without no smoking sign

TaRgEt sHeEt_________

To support myself
Do well for my 2nd attempted As
Labtop(after i get a stable income)
Operation ''Break 9''
diver's gold standard
Best recruit in NDU
Competiting in biathlon/triathlon in 2006
Learn driving

My Past Disbeliefs___

September 2004

October 2004

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I have change my blog to the following address:


bRuCmErIt was here.. |4/05/2005 10:04:00 pm|

In less than 70 hours i will be enlisted lo..

So much as i look forward to my enlistment..Right now i do feel 舍不得 and 想念 of some things..Especially when i went back to TPJC yesterday..i feel totally different from the other days when i went back.

There are many things i have not done before my enlistment..but with less than 70 hours left..A third of the remaining time will be used up for my sleeping time..which left me with only 46 hours to do things what i have not done. -sigh-

Actually have much to blog about..But i guess because i juz woke up from my sleep..forget what i wanna blog le..hehee

“舍不得 与 想念”

bRuCmErIt was here.. |4/05/2005 11:53:00 am|

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