______tRaIn HaRd..FiGhT EaSy..------

Who I Am__________

Name: Low Jun Jie Jacky
Bdae: 2nd June 1986
Status: Single
Nicks: bRuCmErIt , NiNjA TuRtLe, Triple H
Skool: NDU , TPJC , DHS , MSHS(Pri).
Location: SoMeWhErE In ThE EaSt..
Contact: elite_commando_spikes@hotmail.com

What I Adore________

Food: ChIcKeN RiCe
Drinks: watermelon juice
People: Her

What I Hate_________

People: smokers..juz ppl whom i dun like
Things: cigarettes..drugs..
Places: anywhere without no smoking sign

TaRgEt sHeEt_________

To support myself
Do well for my 2nd attempted As
Labtop(after i get a stable income)
Operation ''Break 9''
diver's gold standard
Best recruit in NDU
Competiting in biathlon/triathlon in 2006
Learn driving

My Past Disbeliefs___

September 2004

October 2004

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Boring me have been doing the same things for the past few days..

Wake up..Swim...Gym..TV..Sleep

Today supposed to be just another boring day like before..But then the heaven play a fool on me..It turned out worse.

At noon, it's sunny..i thought i would be able to have a good tanned when i go swiming later..who knows..when i reach the pool, the sky become damn cloudy..Worse, it rain after i swam a few laps. Tulan*

Decided to go back tpjc school gym like my usual routine..Well, due to the bad weather, The group of Track and field ppl were inside the gym..It turned me off immediately. Tulan*x2

For ppl who know my style of training..they should know why.

Since not gym-ing anymore..i headed home. On my way home, i realised that the rain had stopped and the sky is clear..which means the trackers will be out of the gym. And i made a wasted trip. Tulan*x3

Really not a day for me..i'm already troubled by alot of things and now i couldn''t even have my training fufilled successfully. Arghhh!! Totally pissed.

''The side of me you didn't know..''

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/30/2005 11:59:00 pm|

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Alot have been going through my mind today, probably because i am sitting on the thinking chair and playing some music that make me go into thinking..shall briefly touch on one of them...

Coincidently, Shaowei and Richie had both ask me this qn: If she had read my blog before..

I dunno.

I told her before about the existence of my blog. But dunno if she bothers to read it.

Sigh* 14 more days to my enlistment..As much as i wanted so much to enlist..If given a wish, I will wish for time to stop at that day, that time at that place...with her

But back to reality...Wishes don't come true, Dreams won't realise.. I shall juz enjoy my remaining 14 days as a civillian before i enlist.

And I shall wait...
Will you give me the chance?
Or is there any chance left after 2 years?

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/25/2005 11:59:00 pm|

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Give me an egg and a plate of cooked rice..I will whip up a very delicious simple dish for you..Fried Rice(蛋炒饭)!!! Haha..I realised my culinary skill for fried rice has gone a level up..got the standard of restaurant sia..Guess now i can include fried rice in the list of my forte le..haha

Well, as expected..My part time job's pay was gone again...HaiZ...Gonna survive for dunno how long without a single cent again..This feeling sucks. It become worse when i actually have the money but dun get to use it. Arghhhhh!!!!

Ok..a brief account on wassup todae..went for light swimming at bedok swimming complex at noon with Gib, Kiat Haw and Zeqi..after which i went TPJC's gym with Richie..Later we meet up with Ruijie for a short chat at Budget Cafe.. Guess tml's routine will be very much the same as today's..

You are my real love
I never know love..Till there is you
_From the bottom of my broken heart_

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/23/2005 10:28:00 pm|

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Something happen today..and i tink i really suck..dun wish to elaborate on it..I have told shaowei and richie abt it..I SUCK

Went back to TPJC todae for gym-ing..Not bad, managed to complete what i wanna do..Back, Chest and Legs..And the gym is empty..which i like it very much except for being too stuffy..While resting in the stadium..met Mr Botak Chew, my seasports teacher..Intially tot that he will be very disappointed wif my A level results..But instead, after telling him about my plans..He actually show great encouragement to me..One of the very few who is supportive of what i will be doing..So nice of him..A good teacher and a good Godfather of mine(that's wad yl and derky said) . Hope when A level release nxt yr, i can walk proudly into the college together with Richie in my Smart No.3 uniform( Richie whould be wearing smart 4 though..haha)..holding on our A level results and pay tribute to him.

Gen got hit indirectly by cricket ball today..and she cried..stupid sia. And i am being a busybody to call Gib and as a result..the whole family make their way to sch..All thnx to wad richie and I heard from Vincent Lee..Go hospital.. Hope she's alrite.

And thanks Mr Chew for abiding my request which i ask from him in school today..haha..Richie should know wad request..

Dinner wasn't good at all today..Zeqi said i shouldn't bother to tell my parents all that in the 1st place..Guess i make a wrong move again..Well.. Today wasn't really a good day for me afterall..after what happen at school and at home..

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/21/2005 11:08:00 pm|

Diver's playground

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/21/2005 03:33:00 pm|

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Inspiration..I wish to meet him and learn from him.
Click the article to read

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/19/2005 01:02:00 am|

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Friday, March 18, 2005

My friends who are serving NS now received their postings today. Some are happy, some are sad. There are some who are disappointed for not going to commanding school while at the same time, some are happy that they got posted to units instead of command school. Haha, what really amused me is when Decai ringed me up and told me about his posting to Technician. He is damn happy as it will gonna be a 8 to 5 time for him..he will be having the time to find a gf..LOL.

Though i am still a civillian..I somehow feel as if i got my posting too..to the Naval Diving Unit!! Haha..i guess it's the atmosphere ba..Since i log online, my friends haf been toking about their postings..Congrats to those who get posted to what they hope for..Too bad for those who didn't get what they wanted..U reap what u sow..that's reality..I won't feel sorry for u=P

Came across an article on Naval Divers while surfing the net..will post it up in the next entry..Really inspire me.

Nothing Stands In Our Way.

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/18/2005 11:59:00 pm|

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The 5.5 days work at Dufry had certainly disrupted my training progress. Well, i suck today. Only managed 25 pull ups after dragonboating..So disappointing. Still far from my max and even further from my target.-sigh-

But hope it is a blessing in disguise..it will make me push myself harder for my training in order to achieve my targets.

Officially started my running yesterday though it should be done 2 weeks ago. My 1st time trial of 9.00min, i only managed to clock 2km..Not good at all, considering the number of day's left for me to train till 9.00min for 2.4km..


Went back to Dunman High after dragonboating today for a short gathering at the annual NPCC campfire. It reminds me of the old days as a cadet myself..looking so stupid and blur..haha..me and some of my squad mates were laughing our heads off at the cadets, and at the same time..wondering why were we like this in the past. It is so nice to see decai(my NPCC buddy) and my production still passing down through NPCC==> our chilli cha cha mass dance. Was rather surprised that it was passed down from batches to batches..feel so proud of it..haha.. And it also brought back the nicest memory in my NPCC life. Decai agreed tat too.

Benson came to DHS too. He was my NPCC senior and also currently a Naval officer now. Talk to him about some Navy stuffs and get to learn some info.

Did another stupid thing..i shall not say it..happen so many times le and yet i still haven't learnt from it..i really suck man.=(

ok..that's it, workout time..shall skip running since i had a run at noon this morning and it's rather late now..dun get deceived by the time.i edited the time to keep the date at 16th March.it's actually 1.10am now.


bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/16/2005 11:59:00 pm|

''Slacker in the day...Trainer in the night..'' That will be my life for the remaining 23 days before i enlist to NDU..It may seem simple..but it beats having no idea on what to do every next day. Hope it will turn out good..

I believe in Mind Over Body, nothing is impossible,
anything can be done if u believe in urself~!
If u don't give up on urself, nobody can give up on u~

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/16/2005 01:17:00 pm|

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My life isn't organised lately..I have actually no idea on what i will be doing every next day.. That's shall explain why i haven't been blogging lately..because i dunno wad to blog abt.

I have alot of stuffs yet to accomplish..alot have been goin tru my mind but i just cant seem to carry out them..I got the time..but i just dun seem to know what's disrupting me from it.. Or rather, i just dun want to say out what went wrong..Life sucks now.

Looking at the calender, 24 more days to enlistment. I just can't wait to go NDU..But at the same time, i have thoughts of having more time before i got enlisted..So contradicting sia..-sigh-

That's it for now folks..will update real soon when i organised all my thoughts properly..anw, i am thinking of changing to a new blogskin..will try to search for one soon=)

ur thoughts becomes ur words,
ur words becomes ur actions,
ur actions becomes ur habits,
ur habits becomes ur character,
ur character becomes ur destiny

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/15/2005 12:10:00 am|

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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Was watching the channel 8 8.30pm show, ''FRONTLINE" when the topic discussed in this episode is about smoking. My parents were warning me not to learn smoking..

Well, They always claimed that nobody know me more than them.. I guess they are the ones who don't understand me at all.. They don't even know what i hate most and have the mentality that i will learn smoking.

This reminds me of another incident, when they were talking abt me signing on with the SAF.. They actually said that i wanna sign on with the SAF because i fail my A levels..OMG, What a BIG JOKE..And it is an insult to me and SAF too. Still, they happily claim that they know me inside out. HAHAHA

Thinking of that..I guess i could do nothing but laugh at my parents..laughing at their ignorance..

If they claim to understand me than anyone else..So be it..It does not affect me afterall.

''I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends,
I love her but I'm just too shy,
and I don't know why.''

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/09/2005 08:39:00 pm|

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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I was watching the channel 8 9pm show, U are the one.. One of the female lead, casting as the eldest sister, said this:'' There's no take two in life..Once u miss the chance, there's no turning back..''

Well..If that is true, what should i do to the script of my life now..Every decision i make now cannot afford to go wrong because i can't have any NGs..

I don't want my life to be ruined or disturbed. I want my life to be the path which i have chosen for myself..Although there's a mountain in front of me to stop me from my journey right now, But endure for 8mths i will be able to conquer it. This will not be another empty promise from me unlike the past.

For the hardship i have forced myself to went through for me to wake up my idea...

For her...For myself...I promise..

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/08/2005 11:59:00 pm|

Went suntec todae to meet up boonsiong, richie and weibiao after my work..

The trip to suntec was rather interesting for me..there's this very old ah ma who boarded the same MRT as me and was sitting beside me..before she could do that..the MRT moved and she lost her balance and fell onto me..Then she keep saying sorry to me but it's definitely not a problem to me..i was thinking that if i was not there..The ah ma would have knock into the seats..

OK..the trip from tampines to City hall is quite a distance..estimated time ard 30mins..Since it is a last minute decision to go Suntec..i din bring any things to entertain me in the train and feeling restless..i fell asleep..Then whenever a stop was approaching..i will feel someone padding on my shoulder..The ah ma was waking me up for fear that i miss my stop..So nice of her!! Then she was talking to her daughter abt me..so funny sia..Never felt so much warmth before..

HaiZ..she reminded me of my Grandmothers who have passed away for so many years le..one of them even before i was born..=( I remember my Popo used to call me 小老虎(xiao lau hu) because i am born in the year of tiger=X HaiZ..all the sweet memories of the past..

Reached City hall, i bid the Ah ma goodbye and walk towards Suntec.

Hmm.Suntec reminded me something..not the Fugly guy wif a pretty girlfriend..(That one i dun really give a damn cos the gal not i like de=P) , but is the Staff Sergeants and the Captain that spoke to me when i went for the SAF career fair.. I spoke to 2 Staff Sergeants..one of them a diver and another a recruitment officer..Both of them are nice and polite..trying their best to clear all my doubts..Then while toking to the recruitment officer..A Captain interrupted our conversation. Well..the way he talk to me and Shaowei was like WTF..sound so sissy, act seh bo seh..still remembered the way he showed us his combat officer's badge..I was like ''what big deal''..if it is combat diver's badge or Navy seal badge i nothing to say..naval officer+his face+his pattern..totally suck lor. He tink he can be a officer if not for his cert ar..Wait long oso dun haf lar..

Well..instead..i am more attracted to No.3 of the diver i talk to..Staff sergeant rank on his arms..left chest wif ''combat diver'' and ''airborne'' badges..right chest i forget wad is it le.. That's roughly what i want for my career in NDU man..in addition of a ''Navy seal'' badge and ''Ranger'' tab..That will be perfect for me. Haha..=P

''RANK is what u wear...RESPECT is what u earn.''

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/08/2005 02:33:00 am|

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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Went to suntec wif shaowei( my NPCC senior) today for the Army career fair today..some doubts for my future career(i hope) are cleared while there's still some confusing points..But one thing i am sure is that the path i will be taking..i have decided after talking to the Navy's personnels..I know it is gonna be very tough..but i have to do it..one year this time shall see if my decision is right..

Well..while walking ard in Suntec..saw a fugly guy with his girlfriend..omg, that girl is pretty lor..Then Shaowei suddenly ask me abt that couple..it turns out that we both got the same sentiments..Well, it is not the 1st time that we see such couples..The question to ponder is why are those guys so 幸福..Are they really that good..In what way am i inferior to them..? HaiZ..maybe i am just bad..sucks.

Feeling sorry that i did not heed her advice..I've got my reasons behind it..Hope she understands.

''从你眼睛看着自己 是最幸福的倒影...''

view chinese characters in UNICODE (UTF-8)

bRuCmErIt was here.. |3/05/2005 11:59:00 pm|

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