______tRaIn HaRd..FiGhT EaSy..------

Who I Am__________

Name: Low Jun Jie Jacky
Bdae: 2nd June 1986
Status: Single
Nicks: bRuCmErIt , NiNjA TuRtLe, Triple H
Skool: NDU , TPJC , DHS , MSHS(Pri).
Location: SoMeWhErE In ThE EaSt..
Contact: elite_commando_spikes@hotmail.com

What I Adore________

Food: ChIcKeN RiCe
Drinks: watermelon juice
People: Her

What I Hate_________

People: smokers..juz ppl whom i dun like
Things: cigarettes..drugs..
Places: anywhere without no smoking sign

TaRgEt sHeEt_________

To support myself
Do well for my 2nd attempted As
Labtop(after i get a stable income)
Operation ''Break 9''
diver's gold standard
Best recruit in NDU
Competiting in biathlon/triathlon in 2006
Learn driving

My Past Disbeliefs___

September 2004

October 2004

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

Monday, October 04, 2004

Coming Soon...

Ok..someone's complaining that i didn't update my blog for a long time..Right Fazli? But indeed it's true. My internet connection haf been down for a week due to some financial prob..Will update it soon becaue i currently forget what i wanna write abt during the one week absent from the net.

bRuCmErIt was here.. |10/04/2004 11:39:00 pm|

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